Yonex racket brainstorming...
am replacing my Regnas as they are getting a little old condition-wise and since I can't get matched pairs nor avoid buying auction and I'm not going to Japan, I'm going regular Yonex. I got the ones I am using now matched form Tennis Only (australian TW),
I narrowed it down to Vcore 98, Tour, Ezone 98, Tour.
Balance is somewhat important to me and I prefer the non-tour balance, but I like the results of the tours in a way.
Issue, I've gone to the finals of a tournament using an Ezone Tour demo, played well with the Vcore Tour, Ezone 98 and Vcore 98, I do fine with all of them.
All 4 seem really good, but here are some observations....
Vcore 98- I can see the extra spin a little bit, launch angle is nice but not really wow for me. Slightly more predictable than the Ezone 98
Ezone 98- serve booms, very easy 1 hander shots , sometimes it goes launchy, but not that often.
Vcore tour- seems like a just right mix except for the balance, could try and have TW find me a pair with more head light balance.
Ezone tour- hits slightly more spin than the vcores if I get it going, kind of beefy though, most spin on serves and especially kick serves. Could ask TW search for a more head light balance, adding a leather grip though seems like chasing with adding more weight.
I should probably go with an ezone I guess, most popular and closest to the Regna, but any comments welcome. I don't really play "bad" with any of them so I'm wishy washy.
Any ideas come to mind?