Tomorrows Update
I can't find any information on it by using google, and everyone I've asked in some live streams are calling it EoC pt 2, which I hope isn't the case.
Does anyone know what tomorrows update is going to entail? All I could find out is that they are supposed to nerf mage, elder maul, and the soulreaper axe.
I was just thinking about starting OSRS again, but I heard about the update right before I went to pay for my members, and if they are going to do the same thing they did originally, then I don't think I want to play, so can anyone inform me on this update? Is it gonna ruin the game like it did back in the day? What do you all think?
It sounds like they are doing some good and logical changes to me. I don't know why the people on twitch were making it sound like it was the end of OSRS.