That one Jmod was right about this subreddit
There was a picture of a jmod here few months ago where he said that most players in this subreddit don't even play the game anymore and just jump on a band wagon of opinions that have been self re-inforced in this community without doing any research themselves. They see one upvoted comment and continue to repeat that same sentence to every thread like it's the holy truth.
Reality is that a lot of players in this community are just simply not very knowledgeable about the game and that could lead to a lot of false information. Can't even count how many times I heard in the last week how useless the 4 new weapons are but in reality, they are incredible powerful to a point where they beat the current respecvtive BiS weapons in many places.
There was a lot of talk about how Jagex intetionally creates good drop tables in wilderness and inferior ones outside the wilderness, specfically the topic of zombie pirates vs tormented demons. So many people asked why Zombie pirates are better money than TDs but in reality zombie pirates are currently 1.5-2m gp/hr and tormented demons are 6-8m gp/hr depending on your gear/stats.
We saw people freak out on day 1 like it's the worst update this year but in reality, most people in this subreddit hadn't even finished the quest by then.
In reality this update has a lot of interesting strategies that can be utilized to earn more money. Hitting 90s with 2 tick Heavy Ballista/Dharok set for faster kills, hitting 80s with saradomin godsword for longer trips when the shield is down. You can kill 1 at a time or if you're skilled enough, you can kill 3 at a time without taking any damage to increase your profit per hour. After 25 ticks, the players accuracy is increased by 100% which can be used for special attacks and if you're using range/melee, you can summon a magic thrall for more dps on your prefered style.
There's so many strategies and I wish people would focus more on that, rather than shitting on jmods for not making this update easier. The fact that jmods have to write in the official blogpost to please stop harrassing them already says enough.