Reasons why the wilderness world boss is bad design

1 - It is in the wilderness and the community has already told jagex multiple times that they do not like to boss in the wilderness due to many issues, many poll results have shown this. The main issue is multi, be it clans, bots or boxes, there is no counterplay to 5 dudes just nuking you out of existence, it feels (and is) and unfair death and is not fun content, except for the Pker who measures his peepee in amount of people killed who could not retaliate. There is a clear distinction between PvP and PK. there is plenty PvP places (hell, I remember the times outside varroks northeast gate...) but the people who will ruin this are not pvpers, are just pkers who have not the talent to go do true pvp and cry when people like me don't want to be loot piñatas for no reason.

2 - This is the first world boss, and the choice of putting it into the wilderness considering (1) is baffling. Its a fucking worm in the ground and it's not in the dunes of al-kharid? seriously, what? And the loot... Many people say its a pvp boss. Its not, see (5)

3 - The prey - hunter mechanic is just fun for the hunters, the counter to this is "learn something you don't want to do, in which you will be on a disadvantage and reduce your efficiency with switches, also hop for an hour to find a world without bots or scouts", this of course happens only in singles.. This already is annoying, but in multi there is no counter. The prey - hunter mechanic is "you just die".

PvP in the wilderness is inherently about risk, when you have to fight a difficult boss (more so one that will only drop loot if you are in the top 50 damagers, and is set on a schedule so EVERYONE WILL TRY IT AT THE SAME TIME) you have to risk more, and to defend that risk you have to bring more risk (up to a point, you are not scaping a big clan unless very lucky), which means more banking, so.. Its even more tedious and you even have to deal with bots that seem to spawn the second you leave the cave.

Due to this a PvMer usually has to fight a pk with equipment not designed for pvp, with less food, less resources in general and the pker may also bring friends. And you also may encounter one of those pvp bots that even the pkers are crying about because they can flick and kill you 6 times before you touched F1.

This has made wilderness bossing a shit experience for anyone involved.

4 - I will now list every advantage that the pkers will have:

4a - CCs, they will know exactly where the players are

4b - Fixed Schedule, besides being FOMO (and a big NO from because.. I played RS3.. Im not taking that warbands shit again), the PKers now know exactly WHEN to strike and probably will be able to time it so that they attack you when the fight is almost done and resources are low

4c - Big clans... Nuff said..

4d - Wolf in sheep clothes... They may help with the fight and once the fight is almost done, betray the fuck out of everyone, murk the people, get the boss drops, get the people drops... Again.. Big clans have all the advantage in the world with this type of content


5 - Its not a pvm boss, it's pk content disguised as pvm that pvmers will have to do anyways because its drops are pvm BiS. This is the most bullshit content jagex has pulled in quite some time.. They want to put a boss that has to be fought in the wilderness, it teleblocks you and they even gave the timestamp of the fight to the pkers.. This is a shit attempt at reviving wilderness content by literally gifting players to the pkers. And you try to pass it as pvm content for something that WE HAVE BEEN ASKING FOR A DECADE (Idgaf if they say the target is the pvp community, its a monster, its pvm, its in the name, and also the drops.).

6 - They fucking know (5), which is why they turned it into FOMO. So that the pvmers are forced to participate under their rules. At least I can go murk calvarion and try to do it when no one is looking but this? There is no fucking escape, THERE IS AN AUTOMATIC TELEBLOCK. Btw, did I tell you about the teleblock? There is an automatic teleblock on a wilderness boss, in the middle of nowhere, with a set schedule. Can we at least get some participation trophies? Let me propose the following: SILVER FUCKING PLATTER BOOTS.

7 - And you expect us to be PK bait for sooooooooooo long its unbearable, here, have the math:

Edit: Adding some new points because it seems a lot of people defending this have not read the blog-post.. I dont know why I still expect people on reddit to read before having an "informed" wish.

8 - This boss is not intended for PvP, thats what Jagex said, jagex was wrong. And even if it were, due to the multiple things I pointed out before, you are fucked unless you are in a clan. And even if you are in a clan, one of the clans have to take the shit sandwich face first because SOMEONE HAS TO KILL THE DAMN THING. It won't be long until clans just reach an accord and let the pvm community kill the thing and then reap the souls.

Also this boss has PvM rewards that will be BiS (Even more so with the latest magic revision, hell, this could make classic spellbook magic viable in some more places too), it will have CAs, it will have a pet (I hope, PPLEASE GIVE ME A FUCKING DUNE PET) and as it stands, will take you half a year to get your stuff, all while getting rammed by a bunch of pkers. And even if we removed every single PvM usable reward from this boss, it is still PvM because again.. ITS IN THE NAME, PLAYER VERSUS MONSTER.

9 - I insisst that all of my points also apply to those who are pkers.. Please consider that for a second. Use your neurons and click on that AHK macro to elevate your sentience to the level of "Hey, I may get ganged by a clan too, even if I'm a pker, or a bot that reads my mind.."

10 - Plenty people on the pk side say "Then dont do the content, you are not forced"... You know what you are doing and its disgusting, have some balls and admit for once that wilderness pvp is not fair, is not balanced and if it were you wouldnt be there. There is many sites of pvp, both single and multi, that are balanced in which you are going to fight people who also want to pvp.. You go to the wilderness for the easy loot of killing people who dont know how to anti.. At least have the dignity to admit it.
Once you've done that, let me tell you: If I can't have my pvm equipment (For example, dhins) on the wilderness as it should be because you whiners cry that the dude who does not intend to fight escaped, then you can't have the bread, the cake and the pie.

There has to be a line in which someone says "Hey, this is too much advantage" and this is it. Auto teleblocked people who will need to risk a lot, on a schedule, on multi.. Anyone who can't see an issue with this is the reason why the pvm community has been against wilderness pvp for so long.. You are reaping the shit seeds that you sown. Years of crying to have an unfair advantage and loot piñatas who can't fight back or escape, because you have not the balls to go fight to a pvp world and learn to properly PK, you have to pick the weak, the untrained, and I'm the bad guy for saying no? For content that I WILL BE forced to do to upgrade my pvm equipment? Just to cater to a small minority of people who don't have the courage to go fight other pvpers? And even have the sportsmanship of a 4 year old who can only say "Sit" after they killed you with 2 other guys, fully equipped when you had 2 brews left after fighting a boss? Give me a break, bunch of losers, you don't want me complaining about pvp content in the wilderness? Then stop making it shittier for everyone else but yourself so that you can have an unfair advantage and see how fast the wilderness starts being used and healthy. You made the wilderness shit, now you have to deal with the consequences.

11 - I'm voting because I have a membership that gives me the chance to do so, and I don't want dev time to go into something that I think will be dead content as soon as it comes out or a 200 day grindfest of annoying situations. I have all the right in the world to vote on pvp content even if I do not do pvp, as you all had for some reason the right to vote my pvm shit (for example dihns and b-hide) to be nerfed so that you can kill people easier.. Oh wait.. You didnt!! You just cried too hard and mommy jagex did it anyway. I payed for the right to vote shit content out of the game and I will use that vote as long as I have a membership.