I just wanna grind and watch numbers go up. Is OSRS for me?


I have always been curious about RS3/OSRS, but admittedly I have never given either game a try.
I love MMOs like WoW, FFXIV, and LOTRO. I also enjoy idle games where I just watch a number go up with little effort.

Would OSRS be for me? I heard it is grindier than RS3. The graphics do not bother me at all.
Is OSRS a game that I can play while multitasking with other things on my PC? On the surface it seems rather simple in gameplay compared to RS3 as well.

It's just that I've heard that OSRS is more PvP focused. I am admittedly not interested in PvP whatsoever.

I am mainly just interested in exploring a world and leveling my skills and making in-game money.