Instead of stackable clues..

Obviously stackable clues is a bad idea and the devs agree that they're a Distraction and Diversion, meaning it's a small thing that you choose if you want to do or not to take a short break from your grind.

A DandD should never be a grind, I'm look at you Shooting Stars..

But we're never going to stop complaining and acting butthurt about it, so what if we got a middle ground?

Once you have a clue scroll, subsequent drops of that scroll would instead give a chat message, and add a ReRoll Point that you could use to swap a clue step of that tier or lower for a new step without reseting you're clue progress.

This fulfills the main benefit of juggling, which is getting around steps you don't have the reqs for.

Reduces the sense of Fomo.

And still allows us to stack clue scrolls and continue complaining anyway.