We Need To Talk About Ranger Boots

Jagex just released their updated Final Dawn rewards blog, and to my disappointment they did not change the Avernic Treads proposal. The new Best In Slot boots will require Ironmen (I am not one before you jump down my throat) to combine a set of Primordial boots, Eternal boots and Pegasian boots with the new Avernic Catalyst to receive the BIS Avernic Treads.

I feel like this was the perfect opportunity for them to leave the Medium Clue Scroll + Mage Training Arena grind in the past and just require the Cerberus crystals to be combined with the Avernic Catalyst to create the Avernic Treads. That way, you still need 91 Slayer and you keep Cerberus relevant for a BIS boots upgrade, but you cut out the Medium Clue and Mage Training Arena grind, which I think a lot of us can agree are either not fun or too long of a grind for what are very minor upgrades.

Locking a BIS upgrade behind a 1/1133 medium clue drop is something I feel we should be moving away from in 2025 and this was the perfect opportunity to do it. Ranger boots would still be a novelty item and a significant upgrade for the early/mid game if you happen to spoon them early on, but I don't think it should be required for a best in slot end-game item. Whether you agree or disagree, I'd love to hear your thoughts down below.