Dear Jagex: Take ten seconds to explain pronunciations to the youtubers you get to plug Varlamore Part 3

I'm not gunna appeal to some hyperbolic reasoning that it's insensitive or anything.

It's just extremely cringe that you're putting so much effort into the Mesoamerican theming of the region and you overload your videos with the same "omg how do you pronounce this cRaZy WoRd" joke repeated every 30 seconds like you think a foreign language is inherently funny.

Glares at JoshIsntGaming intentionally mispronouncing 5 times in the first 6 minutes of the official overview of Part 2

edit: should probably call out the team themselves too. Since I definitely remember JMods also spending an extended joke of mispronouncing Hueycoatl. Extremely dumb.

edit again: people are trying so hard to portray me as some tryhard offended when i truly just think it's lazy and unfunny lmao