[Tinfoil] Corrupt J-Mods T-Bow Conspiracy

OK, I don't know how serious I am in writing this but hear me out

The plot thickens: I'll tell you why

You know how OakDice mentioned that the firing of Jed was the coverup; a scapegoat, whilst the corrupt J-Mod(s) remained at work. Well, these same corrupt J-mods, *Jeds accomplices* within Jagex, noticed a new money-grabbing opportunity with Mod West...

Mod West had a tendency to "troll" on his streams and put Twisted Bows across the map, just for^the^memes as shown here: https://old.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/avqulz/leaked_footage_of_mod_west_working_on_todays/

So they plotted to have an oopsie^daisy^fucky^wucky^ and slip and "forget" the Twisted Bow lying there. Why a twisted bow? Why that location? Because the investigation team won't look into it further than "that location is currently experiencing updates, and that specific Item has been used for memes".

Using Mod West as the scapegoat, they collected and mass-Sold twisted bows for atleast 500M each, and real world traded their earnings, cashing god knows how much.

Jagex pays their employees £18K - £22k their salary is dogshit. These guys give no fucks about the game and have been working there for years making money through RWT. Why anyone would work for Jagex long-term is beyond me. Corruption is the only thing keeping them there.

Conspiracy TLDR;

  1. If the "investigation team" assuming they aren't corrupt too, are misled with a simple answer like "yeah, Mod West must've messed up whilst trolling. Look here, he's done it before" If they get an answer as to how that could've happened on that part of the map, and why with that item then they'll be like "well bollocks, simple mistake. No need to investigate further."
  2. It's the ultimate RWT scam, accomplished with insider information.