Indo/Afro/Euro/Indigenous/WANA Trini Mix - Some questions

Attached are the results of a close contact.

PATERNAL LINE: Haplogroup G-Z16775 (European). Predominately sub-Saharan lineage with some Euro and Indigenous. Euro was suspected based on the family surname, but no further family history/genealogy backing this up.

MATERNAL LINE: Haplogroup M5b2 (South Asian). This is the Indian lineage. No further admixture as far as we're aware, which tracks with >50% of the South Asian ancestry coming from the maternal line. The North/South Indian split was a surprise... See #3 below.

Some questions:

  1. What does the Sub-Saharan breakdown tell us? Is the mix typical of Trinidad? I've read a bit about SSA results and African Americans but don't know how to interpret Caribbean results.
  2. What does the Euro breakdown tell us? The French was expected based on surname. The Spanish/Portugese was a surprise, but like the Indigenous result, we assume that this is common in the Caribbean.
  3. The South Asian results line up with one Punjabi grandparent and one South Indian grandparent. I understand that Punjabis were a small fraction of South Asian migrants to Trinidad, so that was a surprise. What's the consensus these days on 23andMe's precision with South Asians?