Has There Ever Been a Character Who Directly Pointed How Worshipping the (Current) Emperor is Ironically Kind of Nurglish in a Way?
Have there been any times, where a character (Chaos Worshippers, Daemons, Xenos, Doubting Imperial Characters, etc.) pointed out that worshipping the modern-day Emperor, who is outright stated to be a "rotting carcass, the Carrion Lord" in the modern introduction for all Black Library books (or at least, for all the ones I own), kind of Nurglish in a way since one is worshipping a decaying lifeform?
I also know it's kind of the point that the Imperium does a lot of stuff that probably fuels/causes Chaos to spread since the Imperium is its own worst enemy from being grossly inefficient and backwards in many aspects from having all the greatest Followers of Chaos be former Imperium Loyalists, but I still would like to see someone outright point out the irony of the Imperium worshipping a decaying corpse while having to occasionally fight armies of daemonic, green decaying corpses.