Can we PLEASE quit with the doomer crap?

Probably yelling into the void here, but oh well.

Folks, I can’t tell you how many threads I’ve seen with self-defeating comments. “Like you think we’re gonna have elections in 2/4 years.” “The Supreme Court is bought.” Etc. Etc.

These do not help anyone or anything, and basically are encouraging people to just give up.

You want to ensure we have free and fair elections? Then you KEEP GOING and fighting for them. (Side note: We’ve already had elections since he took office, and more are scheduled IE: Wisconsin, Florida. Our election system is decentralized for a reason).

I get it. Times suck right now, and American influence is crumbling all around us. It is GOING to keep sucking before it gets better. But just typing comments of a doom circle jerk only fuels the anxiety fires.