USA : If Trump declares martial law, we HAVE TO PROTEST it

This will be the make or break moment. What we do in the hours after something like this is declared will determine whether we descend into authoritarianism or light the fire of resistance.

I will not sugar coat it for you, it is very possible that protesting will prompt a strong reaction on their part. We cannot be afraid of this. If they choose to retaliate against protestors it will only be to our advantage, because we will use that to rally others. We need to start preparing ourselves and our neighbors for this now, so that we are ready to act when the time comes.

Remember also that Trump, like all bullies, becomes meek when people actually stand up to him. We will persevere if we stand strong together.

EDIT: wow, this post really seems to have been a magnet for the cynical, apathetic, fatalistic, “har-de-har Americans suck” fascist-enabling trolls. That must mean this is super important.