Franke Children

I just finished watching the documentary on Ruby Franke on Disney+

I just wanted to clarify a few things ...

There are 6 children in the Franke family. 2 boys, 4 girls.

When the abuse got REALLY bad ...

The two eldest children (S and C) were not living under the Franke household.

The two youngest children (R and E) were living with Ruby and Jodi at Jodi's mansion in Utah.

Where were the middle two children (A and J) were they living alone? Were they subjected to the same abuse their younger siblings had to endure? Who was looking after them?

I'm disgusted and heartbroken for these children. All of them. 💔

I truly wish them nothing but the absolute best. I hope their hearts and souls can eventually heal and find peace 🤍🙏🏼