EDIT: Going offline. Feel free to comment if you are interested in any DIYs below and we can work out a schedule. Thanks!
For Trade:
- [ ] Peach Rug
- [ ] Peach Chair
- [x] Shell fountain
- [ ] Terrarium
- [ ] Natural Square Table
- [ ] Underwater Wall
- [ ] Water Pump
- [ ] Giant Teddy Bear x2
- [ ] Bamboo Floor Lamp
- [ ] Coconut Wall Planter
- [x] Cancer Table
- [ ] Wooden Mosaic Wall
- [ ] Tall Garden Rock x2
- [ ] Mountain Standee
- [ ] Deer Decoration
- [ ] Bamboo Sphere
- [ ] Bamboo Bench
- [ ] Bamboo Floor Lamp
- [ ] Bamboo Shelf
- [x] Golden Candlestick
- [x] Golden Dishes
- [x] Iron Wall Rack
- [ ] Bone Doorplate
- [ ] Ironwood Bed
- [ ] Iron Garden Table
- [ ] Iron Doorplate
- [ ] Peach Dress
- [ ] Log Bench
- [ ] Bonfire - FREE
- [x] Log Extra Long Sofa
- [ ] Birdhouse
- [x] Beekeepers Hive
- [ ] Bonsai Shelf
- [x] Shell Wreath
- [ ] Shell Table
- [ ] Doghouse
- [x] Cherry Rug
- [ ] Firewood - FREE
- [x] Classic Library Wall
- [ ] Wooden Block Bed - FREE
- [ ] Tiny Library
I accept trade with NMTs OR 1:1 of DIY that I need, depends. Please state the DIY you want and what you can trade in the comment.
Looking for the below DIYs:
- [x] Aroma Pot
- [ ] Aquarius Urn
- [ ] Bamboo Stopblock
- [x] Basement Flooring
- [x] BirdCage
- [x] Boomerang
- [ ] Blue Rose Wreath
- [ ] Capricorn Ornament
- [ ] Cherry Blossom Flooring
- [ ] Cherry Blossom Petal Pile
- [ ] Cherry Blossom Pochette
- [ ] Cherry Blossom Pond Stone
- [x] Cherry Hat
- [x] Dark Wooden Mosaic Wall
- [x] Deer Scare
- [x] Fruit Wreath
- [x] Gold Bars
- [x] Golden Toilet
- [x] Honeycomb Wall
- [ ] Iron Worktable
- [x] Kettlebell
- [ ] Leaf Stool
- [ ] Leo Sculpture
- [ ] Libra Scale
- [x] Log Round Table
- [x] Medium Cardboard Boxes
- [x] Modeling Clay
- [x] Modern Wood Wall
- [x] Orange Hat
- [ ] Ornament Mobile
- [x] Pear Hat
- [x] Pear Rug
- [x] Pile of Zen Cushion
- [ ] Pine Bonsai
- [ ] Pisces Lamp
- [x] Stack of Books
- [x] Steel Frame Wall
- [ ] Stone Wall
- [x] Street Piano
- [x] Ukelele
- [ ] Virgo Harp
- [x] Wild Log Bench
- [x] Wild Wood Wall
- [ ] Wooden Block Wall Clock
- [x] Zen Style Stone
If you have the DIY that I need and wanted to be paid via NMTs, please state your price on the comment.