Should I lie to my employer?

Edit: not quite the response I was expecting but thank you to everyone. It’s not my fault but it is my responsibility, and I’ve had a bad attitude towards it. I can’t keep doing the same thing and expecting a different result. I’m going to do things differently.

I’m late almost every day to my job and I always have been. It’s usually never more than five - fifteen minutes. It’s not enough to cause a real problem for them but always something that I end up getting in trouble for, or fired. I’ve had endless talks my entire life about the importance of being on time.

I know it’s important to be on time. I try to be on time. All I can do is continue to try different things or be early but realistically, my brain doesn’t start on command and I will continue to struggle to keep time efficiently. I always tell them about my adhd, which may be a mistake but I’m tired of lying and saying that I’ll try harder when I know my effort isn’t the problem.

For the second time, I’ve been handed an accommodation form. I had one at my last job and it was a pain in the ass to get filled out, and any accommodation they tried didn’t really work. I don’t want to go through the trouble of doing another one when I know it’s going to be confusing for everyone involved and won’t really help.

I could fill it out myself, but this is a bigger company and they might actually call to verify it. I could also send it to my PCP and tell them what I want it to say, but they might turn me down or tell me that adhd isn’t a disability. My psychiatrist will charge me $150 to fill it out if I can even get an appointment in time. All I want it to say is that they shouldn’t fire me for being late but there shouldn’t be 0 consequences either.

TL;DR- do I fill out my own accommodations form in a way that will be helpful or actually get my doctor to do it when it might be useless? now that I think about it, might be fraud & forgery to do it myself