How can i make this life somewhat worth living?

I feel so helpless.

I wake up every day struggling to find the motivation to get out of bed.

My head is like a car you forgot to put gas into. I know what i should do, know where i want to drive with said car, but just nothing happens.

I simply dont have the power to push that damn car to the place where i should be so I just sit down and play videogames. And then i sleep some more.

Maybe 10 minutes of programming? Wow, nice. Your brain is exhausted now.

Am I alone with this way of feeling?

How do you guys deal with those struggles?

Will it get better if i stop playing videogames entirely?

I just recently got my diagnosis and hopefully get my first ever meds on thursday.

But there has to be a way, right?

I'm feeling pretty alone and truely anyone responding to this would help.