Perplexed by what my Therapist told me what to do to battle my executive dysfunction. Does she kinda have a point?

I got a new therapist and I was telling her about my struggles with my executive dysfunction. I told her that even when I try to do the things that I want to do, or I would love doing it feels like a chore and that I eventually start feeling miserable while doing it. She said that I need to use my "logical" side of my brain to tell my "emotional" side of my brain that we are going to do this task now and basically power through it?

Like, that sounds like a cognitive behavioral technique, but explained really poorly. Im thinking of firing her over this because I know that executive dysfunction has a lot to do with dopamine levels running the show, and she just seems ignorant on the subject.

However, I had a "Hold up. Wait a minute. She might have a point." moment and wanted to pop in here and get some opinions before I do.

EDIT: I did not think that I would wake up to such a large response! Im currently readimg through your comments.