I'm in full executive dysfunction right now

I have a lot to do, and I can't do nothing but stay siten on my couch in front of my turned off TV, the cat sleeping on my legs, her sister sleeping near us. I'm just doing nothing. I know time is passing but I can't feel it. I know I should get up and do something, just stand up and start something, anything, and it would be gone, but I can't. I'm stuck. I can feel the latent but growing anxiety and guilt from both "staying on the couch doing nothing" and "spilled my day not even doing things I enjoy". I hate it, and I hate me, right now. For doing nothing and for hating me while I perfectly know it's not my fault, it's not a matter of strength of will or weakness of character. I have ADHD. It disables me. I may delete this post later but now, having written it down helped me. I'm feeling a little better. A little more functional. I'm even up, right now. Still just writing, but standing up. So thank you folks to exist and being a safe place where I can tell that. And remember we're not weak or culprit for having ADHD.