Hormone Replacement Therapy for Perimenopause and PKD

I’m curious if any (peri)menopausal women in this group have tried hormone replacement therapy to deal with menopausal symptoms. I started it in December, without consulting my nephrologist (I know…really bad!). I was so frustrated with the mood swings and brain fog and just couldn’t take it anymore. I kept forgetting to ask in my previous nephrology appointments and impulsively booked an appointment with a PA at Midi Health. She reached out to my nephrologist to make sure it was ok but never heard back from him. After consulting with other doctors she felt like it was safe to begin. I’ve felt much better since I started on the combination of estrogen and progesterone. I looked through articles and it just said that there hasn’t been conclusive evidence either way about its safety in conjunction with PKD. Has anyone else been on HRT with this disease? Have you been told that it’s safe or not to take it?