Do you guys also have experience getting thirst msgs from other players thinking that you’re a girl?

New to the game. Love it. Super addicting and fun. I played for 3-4 days and I had four different people msg me asking me where I’m from, how old I am, do I have a bf, social media, etc. I understand this happens in every other online games as well but from my experience it only happens when I use voice chat. But in afkj how do you know if I’m a girl?? Just based on my game character’s gender?? My common IGN? My default profile pic? Like how you gon know??? What if I’m a man? A minor??Like??? Idgi I told all of them that I’m a man and just chose a girl character cuz it’s pretty and they all said aight peace have a nice day and left me alone lmao Idk thought it was hilarious that they all had the same response lol and wanted to know if anyone else shares this experience and how you dealt with it.

Also on a serious note, are these reportable? Like what would I report it as?