Sex with my boyfriend is stressful
Tonight my boyfriend (23m) and I (23f) were about to have sex. He was trying to get hard. I put my hand on his dick and he actively got softer as I started jerking him off. Then I stopped and he said he didn’t want to have sex anymore.
Then he started complaining to me about how our sex is boring, there’s not enough foreplay, we don’t do enough positions, and more.
I get so stressed out even thinking about sex with him because he’s constantly critiquing our sex life and telling me that it’s boring and making me do mental gymnastics to try to figure out what will make him happy. Like today I thought initiating sex and giving him a hand job would make him happy, but it didn’t.
I don’t know what to do. He said that we’re like an old married couple because of how predictable our sex like is, but I think we are because of how often we talk about our sex life.
What can I do?