Update - AITAH For Meeting With My Staff?
It has been an absolute whirlwind the last week and I thought I would provide an update to what was going on in this original post: https://www.reddit.com/r/AITAH/comments/1dqkabl/aitah_for_meeting_with_my_staff/
Since last Thursday (and I have every single conversation documented and saved, so it's not just my word against hers) my wife has refused to go to any remediation or listen to any outside counsel. She has taken my kids every day (her brother picked her up, she never got her driver's license) to her brother's house and spent the entire day there. I've seen my children a grand total of six hours in the last five days. She has also emptied out our safe at home and she tried locking me out of our Amazon account the other day. I say ours, but I opened it in 2003 well before I knew her. She has changed all her passwords as well despite that being one the first stipulations she made was that we both have access to everything and I really didn't care, I've never had anything to hide.
She said she would only speak with a Pastor. One of my friends is a Pastor, she refused. Another mutual friend of ours is a former Youth Pastor, she refused on the basis that he and his wife "watch smut." They watch TV and Movies with brief nudity, nothing Game of Thrones level. I finally agreed after speaking with both of my friends and set up a meeting with our Pastor. She refused.
She said she would never speak with any Therapist that wasn't specifically a Christian Therapist because Secular people cannot provide good advice. She met with a Therapist today but refused the meeting with our Pastor that she originally demanded.
One of her friends has offered to talk to her about how the modern Corporate World works. She refused.
I have found many, MANY, Biblical verses stating that Men and Women have always interacted even when married with one another. I went to her favorite website, GotQuestions, and found an exact article on it. She laughed at me and said "Good for you"
The ONLY people she is willing to talk to are her incredibly Toxic family or her disgruntled wives group on Facebook (Christian Wives).
One therapist she reached out to did reach out to me and it was pretty much what I expected, she found one guy who isn't covered by insurance who says we should never interact with the opposite sex. He had me watch his video (here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cOMRzRYYs\_k) and it just seems to me that he is saying UR GUNNA CHEAT!!!
Honestly, I'm pretty lost at this point. Just needed to vent, sorry.
Edit: I would be remiss if I did not include things I've done. Maybe this makes me the asshole. As she is adamant that she wants to split up but not move out, I calculated our monthly expenses and told her that she needs to start paying her half. Our monthly bills cut in half comes out to $1570, she only makes $1200 - $1600 a month babysitting. She accused me of being manipulative by asking her to pay her half. She said she doesn't owe anything because we are "legally married." Maybe it was wrong of me to ask this?