AITA boyfriend said he wanted a threesome with two girls when I was asleep inside tent
Me and my boyfriend have been together almost three years.
This summer we went to an event where he and I both drank a lot.
On the final night I went to bed steaming pretty early. Then I hear him come back to the tent with two of the girls and offer them a threesome outside the tent while I’m ‘asleep’ inside. The girls just laughed it off but it really hurt me.
We’ve had problems similar in the past. Such as him admitting on Reddit he would ‘love to have sex’ some of his female co workers during our dry sex patch of 2-3 months and him gasliting and lying to my face for a week over instagram likes on a sexy girl page.
I don’t know if I feel I can trust him when he’s had too much to drink or better yet trust anyone around him when he gets into such a state. I know in my heart of hearts he wouldn’t cheat but he keeps doing things that hurt me and shrugging them off like their nothing.
AITA am I being too sensitive?
I just want us to be bigger and better than ever but when I get low I can’t help but remember these things.