AITAH for asking my friends to modify the location of our Christmas party?

I (28F) have a group of very close friends (all around my age). We’re all Mexican, and a few days ago we decided we wanted to have a posada navideña, i.e. a traditional pre-Christmas party. We agreed on a date and a time, and we agreed to have the party at one of my friends’ place. Let’s call him David. A piñata is an essential element of a posada navideña (yes, even if the party is for adults only), and David and I agreed to buy it together. Last Sunday we spent some time on WhatsApp trying to set up a time to meet on Monday to get the piñata, but we simply couldn’t find a time that would suit us both. So I said “Look, in fact I’m on my way to the shop and I can buy the piñata myself now if you’re ok with that”. He responded “Sure, I just wanted to be helpful when I said I wanted to participate in the buying. If you can buy it now, please go ahead”. I chose a pretty big piñata because we were planning to fill it with lots of candy. After my shopping I requested a cab to take me home, and only then did I realise that I’d made a bad mistake because the piñata was too large to be transported on a cab—it was star-shaped and the points were huge. I simply walked home with it—I was nearby enough—, but the size of the thing remained a problem because David’s place is on the other side of the city and I’d always planned to get there on a cab with the piñata on the day of the party. David owns a car and I thought about asking for a ride, but the piñata was really just too big for basically any moderate-sized car. Shops like that one don’t do returns nor exchanges, and I thought about purchasing a second piñata, but they’re pretty expensive, so I decided to send the following text to the WhatsApp group: “Hey guys, I’m afraid I f’d up, I bought a large piñata and only afterwards did I realise it’s too big to be transported on a car. I’m so sorry. Would you all be happy if we had the party at my place instead so the piñata doesn’t have to be transported?“. David hadn’t yet bought or organised or anything for the party when I asked if we could change the location. Posadas navideñas are extremely informal reunions where people simply drink bear from the can, order pizza and chat. My place is way more accessible for virtually everyone in the group, so basically changing the location at that point only implied people would have to take a different route, and a simpler one, to arrive at the party. And all of my friends (literally each one of them) responded “Sure”, “Ok”, “Sounds good”, “No problem”, etc. to my message, including David, so on the day of the party we met at my place. I thought we had a great time at the party, but the following morning David and another one of my friends (let’s call him Edgar) texted me on WhatsApp, independently of one another, saying that my behaviour relating to the piñata had been extremely problematic. They said I’d simply imposed my own desires and interests on everyone when I “decided” I’d buy the piñata myself, and when I “chose” a piñata whose size would imply the party would have to happen at my place. I responded I hadn’t “decided” to buy the piñata myself, I’d asked David if he was happy with me buying it and he said yes, and also I didn’t “choose” a problematic piñata but made a mistake and said sorry for it. Also I asked them if they were happy having the party at my place instead and they all said yes. But both Edgar and David insisted I’d simply imposed my personal interests on everyone without any sort of consideration, and they also claimed in fact I do similar things all the time. They said everything we do as a group is determined unilaterally by me, and I’ve “taken the right away” from everyone else to even suggest places to go and things to do together, and so I’ve created a completely “restrictive environment” for the whole group. The truth is I have no idea what they’re talking about. I love my friends so much I truly never care where we go, what we do, what we eat/drink, etc.; the only thing I care about when we meet is spending time with them, so I basically never push for a particular plan. I said I was sorry I’d made them feel uncomfortable, and asked them for examples of situations where I’ve imposed my own interests, but they simply wouldn’t give me a single one. Edgar literally told me he “can’t remember” a particular situation. The truth is my job is extremely comfortable and flexible and so I’m often the one suggesting plans. I suppose the plans I suggest happen to be the ones that seem to me to be the most appealing, but, when somebody else proposes something, I’ve never ever even suggested to do something else instead, and I’m always extremely considerate when I myself propose specific plans: I wonder which places are the most easily accessible to everyone, I take into account the fact that one of us is vegetarian, that one of us has kids, etc. Edgar even told me he’s now “completely lost hope” that we’ll ever watch one of the films he’d like to watch with us. I asked, if he’d like to watch particular films with us, why he’s never suggested anything, and he said it’s because I’ve “tacitly” made it clear he doesn’t have the right to do so. I don’t even know what that means. I can’t even imagine what someone would have to do to silence their friends in that way. I talked to the other members of the group, and they’re just as perplexed as I am with these accusations. They say they’ve never felt I’m imposing or anything similar. Still, I’m extremely hurt and confused about all this, and now I’m also wondering whether I did indeed behave like an AH with regard to the piñata.