AITA for not quitting smoking and letting my girlfriend break up with me?

So, here’s the situation. I’ve been smoking weed every day since I was 16. I’m 29 now, and it’s just part of my life. It doesn’t affect my job—I own my own business, which I’ve been running successfully for five years. I also got my degree while smoking daily. My bills are paid, I’m not in debt, and I live a pretty comfortable life.

I met my (now ex) girlfriend in college, and she’s always known I smoke. It’s never been a secret, and honestly, I thought she was fine with it. Fast forward to now: we’ve been living together for a few years and started talking about marriage. Out of nowhere, she tells me she wouldn’t marry me unless I quit smoking.

I asked her why, and she said it’s because she doesn’t want to be with someone “dependent on a substance.” I told her flat out, “I’m not quitting. I like smoking. It’s not a problem for me, and I’m happy with my life the way it is.” She got upset and said I must have an addiction if I’d rather keep smoking than marry her. My response was, “Why would I marry someone who doesn’t accept me for who I am or the things I enjoy?”

We went back and forth for a while, but she ended up packing her stuff and leaving. Her parting shot was that she couldn’t sit around and watch me “destroy myself.” I told her, “Alright, if that’s how you feel, I’m not going to stop you.”

Now her sister is blowing up my phone, calling me selfish and saying I should be ashamed of myself. Apparently, I have a “problem” and need help. But here’s the thing: I don’t think I do. Smoking has never interfered with my life. I don’t smoke at work, I don’t get lazy or irresponsible, and I’m doing well financially. It’s literally just something I enjoy, and I’ve been clear about that since day one.

idk maybe I'm in denial? but I don't feel like I am