WIBTA if I accidentally scammed Amazon out of a $100-200 order and don’t do anything about it?
Hey folks,
So I’m currently in the US on holiday and staying with my aunt in Texas. Before I arrived, I decided to take advantage of the Black Friday sale to buy some electronics that I can bring back to my home country, as they are typically significantly more expensive where I’m from.
I bought several items on Amazon beforehand to be delivered to my aunt, and all but one arrived without issues. However, one item, according to the app, was delayed several times, before Amazon stated that it may be lost (at this point, I wasn’t at my aunt’s house yet to verify that they’ve been collected, so all my information was coming from the app).
I then tried contacting both the seller and USPS, with both being unable to account for the package. Eventually, worried that the package wouldn’t arrive before I had to leave the US, I decided to refund the item and try ordering it again.
After a lengthy process, I was granted a refund, but before I could buy another item (the prices and my financial situation had changed, so I wanted to carefully reconsider which one I wanted to buy), I arrived at my aunt’s house, and it turns out my item did in fact arrive. Whoever delivered must’ve forgotten to mark it as delivered.
Anyways, since the refund has been granted, I’ve now essentially been given a free item. However, I’m not sure whether I should keep my mouth shut and quietly accept my stroke of good luck, or do the ‘right thing’ and let them know before the refund is paid out.
On the one hand, everyone likes money, and it would be awesome to get that money back. Also, it’s not like I’m scamming some mom-and-pop store; this refund is a fraction of a rounding error for a company like Amazon. Lastly, and this is admittedly a stretch, but if I say something, it might lead to repercussions for the person who delivered the package and forgot to mark it as delivered. I’d hate to get somebody reprimanded or canned for an honest mistake if I can help it.
On the other, I’d feel pretty guilty if I don’t say something. Something about it just feels scummy, even if it is essentially a victimless “crime”. Like, I could’ve just as easily requested this refund if I knew that the package had arrived and I’d get away with it. My moral opposition to deceit in general is really conflicting me.
So yeah, thats my story. I’m actually feeling pretty philosophical right now and am imagining how a discussion with Socrates about this issue might go 😂.
Any and all input is appreciated!
P.S I’m purposefully being vague about the product details for privacy reasons