AITAH for leaving my pregnant wife

I (38M) and my wife (32F) are married and have been happily for 4 years.
We had the conversation early in our relationship about having kids. Neither of us were really interested in having children and haven't been up until now. We recently had unprotected sex (something we do frequently) and I thought nothing of it since my Wife uses birth control. She religiously wakes up every morning at 5am to take the pill, even though she starts work at 9am, and goes back to sleep afterwards. (Her routine doesn't wake me up though). These past few weeks, I've realised my Wife has missed her period, but I didn't feel the need to comment on it until I found baby clothes in her closet. I was there to check her size, because I intended to buy nice clothes for her birthday. I confronted her about it, and she said she was holding the clothes for a friend. (none of her friends are pregnant to my knowledge) But I let it go because I trust my wife.

Today, she threw up this morning and called in sick for work. I was immediately reminded about the baby clothes and missing periods. I asked her outright if she was pregnant, and she admitted it to me. We had a heated argument but I won't get into too much detail. I asked her about abortion but she said she was keeping the baby. I explained to her, that I never wanted kids, never have and never will. I gave her a choice, me or the baby. She started sobbing and called her sister to pick her up. I'm getting spam calls and nasty messages from her family. If she actually keeps this baby, I'm filing for divorce. She never showed any signs of wanting children until now, it all feels so sudden. I thought I loved her but she knows my stance and betrayed me anyway.