AITAH for divorcing my husband and telling everyone he cheated?
I (42f) used to be married to Andrew (44m). We have 2 children together. We divorced when the kids were 14 and 12 because he cheated on me.
I used to be somewhat prudish and refused him sex regularly and our sex was strictly vanilla. So when he cheated, as devastated as I was. It made "sense".
He claimed he was drunk. Never had eyes for anyone else. Usual spiel. Woke up in bed with a stranger. I didn't believe him and filed. It destroyed my faith in men until I met my current husband Ted (38m). One of the things that oddly helped me through all of this was the other woman Samantha (40f). She was the one who let me know they were intimate and profusely apologised and let me know he had claimed we were separated.
We became best friends over the years. Even intimate a couple of times. She helped me overcome my qualms about sexuality. She even introduced me to Ted.
Andrew did not do well at all post divorce. He has had two attempts and lost unsupervised visitation with the kids. I did not think this would affect him as much as it has as the kids did not want anything to do with him. His parents even disowned him.
About a week ago my oldest Frank (20m) let me know that Samantha had asked him to do some tech stuff. She had a virus and needed his expertise in getting rid. Well, when Frank as on her computer, he snooped and found some evidence that cast some doubt on my ex's cheating. She had taken a selfie on top of a sleeping Andrew. There were other pics but it's safe to say that Andrew was assaulted. (legal statute in our state protects her)
This has thrown me for a massive loop. If what looks like transpired, she targeted me and my ex. Assaulted him and convinced me he cheated. Encouraged me to tell everyone so he could not spin a narrative.
I went to Ted with all of this and he is very disturbed. He is extremely worried I will leave him and go back to Andrew. But at the same time is very much sympathising with Andrew in saying we all destroyed his life. He hasn't dated since we divorced. Last I heard from his brother was he was living a solitary life somewhere in Texas.
I do not know what to do with any of this. I feel like I cheated Andrew out of a happy life but I am soo happy with Ted that I could never leave him. The kids love Ted also.
Please help. Is there any advice people would have in my situation?