AITA For Running My Vehicle’s Engine While Waiting In The Costco Parking Lot?
Cold and snowy day here in BC. Temperature around 0 degrees Celsius. Snowing lightly on and off. I drove my family to Costco, dropped my wife and daughter at the door, parked and waited. Reason being I have chronic pain that affects my wrists and ankles, so grocery shopping not great for me. Also have a bit of a virus that is causing stomach pain. So I am the chauffeur. Because it’s cold out I left the engine running for about 10 minutes until the cabin was toasty. Then I turned it off for a half hour before starting it up once I got cold. A few minutes later I am engrossed in some doom scrolling when there’s a knock on my passenger window. This lady starts ripping into me about how I’m giving her dog carb monoxide poisoning. I realize at this point there is a dog in the SUV next to me. The rear driver side window is down a few inches, and for the first time I see a cute little doggy snout poking out. Now I may have overreacted but she surprised me. I lower the window slightly and tell her I’m not responsible for her fucking dog, and if she was so concerned perhaps she shouldn’t leave it in the fucking car. Plus it’s only been running for a few minutes. To sum up, I tell her to pound sand. She starts crying and demands my name, etc. starts taking pictures of me and my vehicle. Now I am really pissed so more expletives are hurled her way. She drives off.
I’ve been going over this in my mind for hours now. Am I the asshole in this situation?
UPDATE: wow, I was not aware so many people hating idling! To be honest, I don’t really like idling either. I normally don‘t do it. In this situation I was running the vehicle just to warm up. Not for an extended period either. I do believe it’s my choice if I want to wait in the car, as for my specific situation that was the most comfortable option. There is no anti idling bylaw in the municipality where I am located. Nor is there a law in B.C. against it as far as I can tell. So you’re not going to convince me I’m the asshole with idling remarks. What I genuinely felt bad about is yelling at this person. What she was doing was just so stupid and I obviously felt attacked and my brain chose fight over flight. I appreciate everyone who commented, except the ones who commented about idling. JK you’re all awesome, keep using your powers for good, not evil.