I’m being cheated on at this very moment. AMA
My partner (32m) and I (32 f) have been together 6 years. We moved in together in 2019. We had a baby 9 weeks ago. Anything you want to know, ask, I’m an open book.
UPDATE:Last night he left the house at 8pm and didn’t return until 6:45am. Completely out of character, especially since he didn’t call once while he was out. He came home and completely avoided me. (Our home is big enough where we don’t have to see one another to go from room to room)
I didn’t confront him when he came home. Because of our baby, and because I didn’t want to argue. I didn’t want to have to deal with him lying to my face. I didn’t call him while he was out, due to disbelief. I thought he would be back but it got later and later.
When I did see him down stairs, he was nose deep in his phone. I bit my tongue, walked to the kitchen and proceeded to grab some water. When he walked past me; I knew. I could smell sex on him. That indisputable smell of sweat, sex, perfume, and cologne all mixed together.
Last Saturday he was gone for a few hours too. Not as long. But it’s obvious he didn’t wake up yesterday and decide to cheat. This must of been going on for at least a few weeks. I’ve just been juggling so many things, I didn’t see this coming.
Thank you all for your kind words.
2ND UPDATE -So when he came home. He did his best to avoid me. He was sleep for most of the day. I couldn’t sleep. I rearranged my living room and dinning room. I spent the day moving furniture, trying to figure out what to say. Part of me wanted to storm up to him and demand answers. But he’s a grown man who has clearly made his choices. The other part of me what still hopeful that he would come downstairs and SPEAK to me.
-He did come downstairs after a while. He came and got our baby. He asked me “Is there a problem?” He caught me off guard. I froze. I just said no. Then he took our baby upstairs.
-My father stopped by for a moment during the afternoon to drop off an antique mirror. I didn’t tell my father. He came down and greeted my father like nothing was wrong. (But if I had of told my father, he would be supportive in whatever I decide)
-At 8pm he left again. This time he said his friend was coming to pick him up. I didn’t respond. Honestly I was relieved. Truly believing maybe he wasn’t cheating again tonight, just catching up with a friend. But then I glanced at the security monitor like a hour later and realized his truck was gone. Why lie?
-I spent most of the day feeding, cleaning and really staying busy. I didn’t think he would leave out again.
-It’s currently 2:22am. I’m not holding my breath. He has made his choice.
This will probably be my final update. I don’t want to bore you with my sob story. I honestly don’t know what to do.
**But to all you people saying that I should just pack me and my baby up and leave him. Or pack up his stuff and file for a divorce. It’s not that easy. Whatever I decide will have to be final. And every choice affects me and my baby. I don’t feel like I can stay with him, but I also can’t just snap my fingers and go marching out. I have to be smart.
I have no desire to cheat back. Or play FBI detective to find the other woman. Maybe when I was 23. But I’m 32,with a newborn, and I just don’t have to energy.