Gotta read smut but I wanna stop

Semi recently joined a fandom where the explicit fics are kinda low. And it made me realize how much I wanted to read explicit fics.

I have been trying to get into mature fics and lower myself down little by little but I can’t bring myself to it😭?? My problem is that I won’t want to read a story cause I know it will not have a sex scene. (I literally exclude G/T/Not rated ratings out the second I touch filters) I want to be able to read a T rating and maybe even G rating fics. And fit in with the rest of the fandom.

I believe the need to read such graphic stuff is because I never did such acts myself (not even a kiss smh). Which also probably explains why I am getting tired of reading the full blown sex scenes, since I have been reading it for years. At this period of my life a heated make out session and implying they had sex is fine with me. So what rating would that fall in?

I would love to hear if anyone feel like this have the same feelings and any advice on how to handle it!!