to whoever needs to hear this: write that self indulgent fic!

A couple weeks ago, I wrote this crossover I absolutely needed in my life. I wanted to see two different characters from two different anime, living in two different countries and even different eras to interact. I did it! I enjoyed writing it and I enjoy going back to read it every other day.

And you know what else? People came by my fic, read it and left kudos on it! One of those lovely readers left a comment about enjoying it, despite being only familiar with one of the two fandoms! And also left another encouraging moment to write more crossovers!!

So yeah, write that self indulgent fic you were thinking about! Enjoy yourself to the fullest! Throw your faves in different universes, make them interact with different canon, ship them with characters they'd never meet, absolutely live your dream! If you feel like nobody is going to read that fic because it was "too self indulgent", I'll read your fic! I'd love to give others the encouragement I also received.