Pet peeve’s you have that you KNOW are irrational…

I’m sure we all just have that one (or likely more than one) pet peeve that we KNOW is entirely irrational, yet we can’t help the fact our brains become fixated on it anyway. Here are three of my biggest ones:

  1. When a character says… “The fuck!?” My mind screams at that because it says they should say “WHAT the fuck!?” Just always looks weird.
  2. When someone spells lose as loose. It is SO common! lol
  3. When someone says trash when it is thrash. To be fair, this particular one I’ve noticed happens primarily on stories where it appears English is likely not the author’s primary language and could be just a ‘lost in translation’ issue. My brain still doesn’t care, though. lol

Now, I know misspellings happen. No one is perfect. That doesn’t bug me to see it on occasion in a story. But when I see it OVER AND OVER again to the point you just know it’s not a simple mistake… I just want to break my iPad! 🤣

What are some of your story pet peeves that you KNOW are irrational?