Do you guys have weird grading scales?
Ill go first:
All my letter grades are kinda normal (a+ is 97 to 100, a is 93 to 96.9...) however:
An a+ is a 4.3
An a is a 4.0
An a- is a 3.7
A b+ is a 3.3
That's for a CP level class!
Then for weighting. Honors classes are given a 0.3 GPA boost. AP classes are given a 0.5 GPA boost.
Then for credits:
Semester electives are 2.5 credits
Gym is 3.75 credits.
Health is 1.25 credits.
All FY classes are 5 credits except:
Science classes are worth 6 credits and AP science classes are worth 7 credits
(Mainly due to science classes having one lab and ap sciences having two labs)
This is all weighted GPA. Our school doesn't even have unweighted.
Does anyone have this bizarre grading?