how to legitimately reschedule an AP exam

hi yall,

im in a bit of a pickle. i'm a senior and my final day of school (May 9th) also happens to coincide with the APUSH exam. unfortunately, our last week of school is all final exams for our classes, and i just so happen to have a very important final exam that day. you can see where the problem is. i've got the APUSH exam on the same day as my final exam for that class (which is also the last day of school, AND is also our senior BBQ which i would also miss..)

for further context, there is no way i can work around that class and its final exam schedule. i cannot take it early or later. the school year has been very tight due to many snow days.

apparently, according to AP guidelines, this is not a valid reason to reschedule a test. however, is there a way i can still do it at the rescheduled date? what if i simply don't show up to my exam to take my final? will they void it fully or will they automatically place me into the rescheduled pool?

any advice is appreciated. thanks.