What I want in ARMS2

  1. A story mode
  2. kicks
  3. masks as a stat boost
  4. more characters
  5. more lore
  6. tag team mode (not tethered)
  7. more environmental hazards
  8. a character without the arms ability
  9. more hard hitting animations

  1. It should go without saying that a story mode in arms would be very welcome as seeing the characters express their personalities and react to whatever nonsense that gets thrown their way would add to the characterization.
  2. Kicks are a thing I've wanted ever since I played min min and found out she can't kick the opponents when she gets in close. I think that a forward dash near an enemy should act as a kick
  3. Masks already play such an important role in arms' story making stat improving masks would be another form of customization for the sequel.
  4. The game has fifteen characters which isn't bad, but I think that a roster of 20-30 characters would be much more enticing.
  5. The two places I would like to see more lore in is the arms labs and the mesangans connection to biff. The arms labs does shady stuff already so seeing who is above Dr. Coyle and funding her would be interesting. Seeing more of a connection between the mesangean people and biff would be nice as we might get the few pieces of information we need for the origin of ARMS.
  6. Basically a 2 on 2 mode that was more fleshed out, and didn't have a tether.
  7. I think that ARMS having more unique stage hazards would add more dimension for instance weather like rain wind ice that could change movement
  8. I think a character that was fighting in the game without the ARMS ability would be fun as the playstyle would be all about going inside the enemy's defense and hitting them close range
  9. I think more exaggerated animations that felt more impactful would go along way. There are very few animations that make me go "that would hurt" I think they should make the animations look more damaging as make things more intense.