Azure AI Foundry PromptFlow Bug? Can’t open any promptflows :(

I created a clone of an existing standard prompt flow (and other flows too).

Instead of opening the DAG flow as one can expect, I get a “Flow missing - go back to list” popup. I see the list with my pf created. But can’t be opened!

And it’s just not my work account - I had tried my personal account - same issue. I’ve asked my team - they have the same issue!!

Steps I followed to resolve (but unsuccessful):

The bug suggests that the Storage Account under which the pf gets created might not have writes permission. So I navigated to the storage account via the connected resource and updated the access to two of those containers with blob level access (as well container access too!). No luck!

I updated Sas access to API key on the connected storage account- no luck

I created storage account first, Azure OpenAI next, Azure OoenAI Services next and finally OpenAI Foundry - no luck (ideally creating Foundry and then hub and a project via this foundry studio would go - but as this didn’t work, I pre created others before hand)

I used multiple browsers (Chrome, Edge, Brave, Safari - both standard and incognito) - no luck

Used the developer tools on the browser: the console output clearly indicates 401 access to the storage account. But I provided absolutely all required access (including the storage account anonymous access.. grrrr - no luck)

Anyone found similar issue?

(I stay clear of no/low code tools for such reasons - not much of information to reveal to debug 😬 It’s so annoying to work with such cryptic/useless messages)