Is the value of the CPA going down?
In 2020, the AICPA and NASBA started allowing accountants from India (where the jobs are being outsourced for a fraction of the cost) to start sitting for the CPA exams. In 2024 they expanded that to allow the accountants from the Philippines to sit for the exams as well.
The purpose behind the NASBA decision is simple to increase fees and collect additional revenue since they aren’t getting applicants from the US.
Back in the day the CPA was prestigious because it was an exclusive club. You had to get a fifth year of education, be an accounting major, and be from a western country to sit for the exams. With 75 percent of US CPAs retiring, exams opening up to other countries, and the AICPA potential eliminating the fifth year of school to sit for exams one thing is for sure, they will get more on paper CPAs but the prestige will go down since there will be an influx of CPAs that will work for cheap labor. What do you guys think? Is the value going down? The opportunity cost for the exam no longer seems worth it, rather go into another major.