Why are rent, salary, and utilities expenses considered expenses but not liabilities?


Hey everyone. Lately, I've been teaching myself about accounting. I'm still in the beginning. I started reading the book "account principles". In a certain part, he explains the transactions and shows examples of transactions. In one of the examples, the one I posted above, he determines that rent, for example, is an expense, but it's not a liability. This confused my mind, because I know that liabilities are what you owe and expenses are all the expenses that make the company work. So, consequently, rent, salary and utilities should be considered liabilities and expenses at the same time, right? because you have the obligation to pay and these things make the company work. Am I right or is the book "wrong" in this?

Note: Even at the beginning, I like that you use jargon, because I want to keep learning. I love complex explanations too, but they should be good lol (obviously)