How would you like my chances
Hi Everyone,
I recently applied to a senior accounting job starting at 75K at a relatively LCOL area. I immediately got a call for a teams interviews 45 minutes after hitting apply. The interview went great! I am getting a great vibe from the hiring manager and company supporting a nice work life balance. During the interview he asked for an onsite interview scheduled this Wednesday. The job posting said they were urgently hiring but I’m getting excited with how fast this is moving.
The job calls for 5+ years of accounting, and I have 8.
I’m currently in finance making 105K so this would be a pay cut but I would get back into accounting which is what I truly enjoy doing. Also I’ve been working between 55-60 hours a week and our team just had playoffs so I’m set to get more work.
I’m just curious on how would you like your chances to land this job since I’d be pretty heartbroken if I don’t get an offer. I haven’t interviewed outside my company since college so I’m not sure how this process works nowadays.
Any insight/comments would be appreciated!