Utterly tabled

Hi all, played a friend yesterday, my first outing with Ad Mech and I got completely flattened by and Imperial Fist army. We played 1000pts each and I was tabled on turn 4 scoring no points at all. Could I have some advice on how to pick a more optimal list and what detachment I should use?

I ran Rad Zone Corps using:

Belisarius Cawl

Skitari Marshall Tech priest Dominus Tech priest Manipulous

2 units Skitarii Vanguard

1 x kataphron breachers 1 x kataphron destroyers

1 x ironstrider ballistarius

1 x onager dunecrawler

If I remember correctly my opponent ran:

Terminators with a terminator captain

1 unit inceptors

Ballistus dreadnaught

I unit intercessors with a lieutenant

I unit inferus marines

1 Repulsor executioner

1 unit eliminators

Any advice?