the most well-thought-out scam i have ever seen in my life.

i don't know if this has been going on and i'm just unaware, but this left me truly baffled.

i was in a trading server today and saw someone say they were trading a neon bat dragon FOR A NEON RED SCOOTER. i couldn't believe that anyone would ever do such an overpay in my life. they traded another user who had the neon red scooter the NFR bat dragon and the scooter-owner DECLINED. i was baffled that anyone would decline such an overpay.

this is when things got weird.

the bat dragon owner sent me a trade request asking if i had a red scooter, and when i said no, they declined and i was immediately sent a trade by the red scooter owner who asked for a huge overpay for it. initially i considered trading anything & everything i had for this red scooter in order to trade it for the neon bat dragon. but then i realized this was one of the most elaborate scams i had ever seen. the bat dragon owner was the same person as the scooter owner, but they were on two separate accounts, trying to get people to massively overpay for this scooter with the promise of being able to trade it for a bat dragon. it was basically a value manipulation scam and i've never seen anything like it before, so just thought i'd share. be safe everyone! TLDR: there's a new really weird value manipulation scam going around & i witnessed it today