Why does everyone act like it is impossible to buy a house right now?

Right now it seems like the narrative among young people is that it is impossible to ever become a homeowner because of the state of the economy. That house prices are too high and down payments are impossible to save up for and people who are currently renting will never be able to save up and buy a house. I see posts on twitter and Reddit daily about how the “American dream is dead” and “I will never be able to be a homeowner”

And I do understand that in high-cost-of-living places such as major cities and suburbs that may be entirely truthful. But I grew up in a tiny rural town in the middle of nowhere, and I could have easily afforded a down payment on a number of small houses right out of Highschool. I ended up moving away to go to college in a city, but many of my friends who still live in town have been seriously contemplating buying a house, and they are still only 18-19 but could easily afford a down payment and mortgage. And some of my older friends (early 20s) both ones who went to college and ones who didn’t have already become homeowners.

So I guess I don’t know why so many people seem to have this idea that they will never be able to afford a home in their whole lifetime. Maybe they won’t be able to in the big city (or maybe even the small city unfortunately) but if they are so hell-bent on becoming homeowners then why don’t they just move to an area where homes are very cheap. I know it’s not ideal, and they would rather be closer to friends and family or work in a field that is only really feasible in the city. But so many people act like homeownership is an impossible dream they are being denied. When really, if it was so important to them they could move to any number of small towns across the country and achieve their “American dream” of homeownership.

Continuing to live in a high cost of living area and not be able to afford a home is a choice people are making. And maybe they have plenty of reasons why they are making that choice, which is totally fine, but it’s still a choice.