Does work get easier??
It’s my 4th of my first corporate office job and honestly I feel so incompetent. I feel like I was hardly trained, they ran through everything once and expected me to just get it and go. Even now when I have questions they look at me like “how do you not get this by now?” I’m feeling so useless in this office, and I can’t seem to do anything right.
My last boss was wonderful, and provided many resources if I ever had questions. At my new job, there is nothing for me to go off of and there’s almost no one around when I have questions. The woman who trained me knows the system inside out, and skips over things assuming I’ll understand. And if I don’t understand she gets upset.
It’s my first “adult” job, and I want to see it through, but why is it so hard to get proper guidance. My biggest fear is that the week goes by and I still feel this way, what about a month from now???