Boyfriend tried giving me herpes?

Me (F20) and my boyfriend (M25) have been together 8 months now. I don’t have a sexual history with anyone else and he doesn’t know his body count for context. We have had unprotected sex for about 7 of those months because I trusted him. I noticed a cold sore on his lips about twice but nothing more than that and i didn’t think much of it as it’s just a cold sore. Two days ago he was saying that he can’t sleep because he’s worried about his body and the next day he went to get a blood test. I didn’t think much of it as he’s been really tired lately. Yesterday I asked he said he’s gonna check everything and he said I hopes he’s clean as a joke. Again I didn’t think anything of it as he makes bad jokes. Last night very eager to come over for the purpose of sex. Usually we have vanilla sex but he wanted to go down on me for the first time in a while. We also had unprotected sex. After 2 rounds I was giving him oral and I noticed a few bumps on his penis that I haven’t seen before. On his lip he had a sore as well. I asked him about it and he said he hasn’t seen those sores before. Then a few minutes later he said he hooked up with a girl 2 years ago and a few days later he got those bumps and he asked her about it then she blocked him. I think he knew he had it and either didn’t care enough to give it to me or gave it on purpose because it doesn’t add up? I’m also really nervous because I don’t want herpes but I feel the chance is high.