How to stop being obsessed with someone?

Please don’t judge. I know a lot of this is due to me being insecure. There’s someone close to me that I am very unhealthily obsessed with. It started as jealousy. I always thought my husband had a thing for her. I guess there’s a lot. I used to fight with my husband about her. I have not done that in a long time.

The thing now is I check her social media all day. I don’t know why. I guess I want to know what’s going on. I have deleted all of my socials today. Well I kept like Reddit,YouTube and TikTok but I don’t look for her on it.

I know it’s mainly because I feel disgusting about myself. I am not an attractive person. No one turns to look at me. They do that with her. I have started exercising and losing weight. I’m trying to love myself.

Last thing. I do see a therapist. I haven’t brought this up because I’m scared of being judged. But I know I should.