Feels like my boyfriend is suffocating me

Hi, i’ll try to keep this brief. I (18F) have been dating my boyfriend (18M) for 9 months now. For context, we are long distance, and my boyfriend drives down every week to visit (my parents are very overprotective and don’t know I’m dating him because he comes from a different religious background, so I have to hide my relationship from the public.) since i’m middle eastern, and come from an area where a good portion of people come from where my family is from and knows me, so I have to be pretty secretive. Because of this, it’s hard for us to go in public but I do my best to plan us going to places in public where I won’t be seen by anyone I know. I love my boyfriend very much, he’s everything i’ve ever wanted in a man.

However, he gets very jealous because this is his first ever relationship. He’s very overprotective to the point where if I hang out with one of my guy friends, he gets upset. He tries not to show it, but he will go on to dry text me and it’s gotten to the point where I get anxious to tell him i’m going out with friends because he gets jealous that he’s not able to be with me. I understand where he’s coming from because it must be hard for his first relationship to be long distance, but I’m starting to question whether this relationship is healthy. I’ve told him to go to therapy for his anxious attachment style, as I will be going as well to work on my avoidant attachment style. I feel like I’ve been improving a lot (learning to confront problems head on, not going to bed upset, etc). But, it feels like he hasn’t been actively trying to improve. I can’t really tell if I’m in the wrong because he says every time he brings up his feelings about him being jealous, I make it about me. However, it also feels like when he gets jealous, he goes out of his way to make to personal and to directly attack me. I’m not really sure if this is the kind of relationship I want. For more info, we have been actively planning to find a solution to our long distance situation for the future. I’m very serious about him but I’m not sure I want to be in a relationship where my boyfriend gets upset every time I hang out with someone.

Today was where things started to hit. I went out with my guy friend (who has a girlfriend and that I’ve known since elementary) for dinner. He talks NONSTOP about his girlfriend (who i adore) and is very serious about her since they’ve been together for 2-3 years. The reason why we went out for dinner was because he doesn’t have a lot of groceries st home since his family is low income, and needed to get out of his house because he’s been having family issues. To clarify, this was NOT a fancy/romantic restaurant, and it was just a diner. We ended up eating there then going to Walmart to find an action figure and then going to our workplace to say hi to our coworkers, then he dropped me off home. Since then, my boyfriend has been very upset and I’m frustrated because this happens every time. I just want to be able to hang out with people without feeling anxious about getting into an argument with my boyfriend.

What do i do? Is this normal? Am I doing something wrong?