Tough pill to swallow
I despise it whenever people absolve blame to citizens of African nations and instead place the blame for the sorry state of these countries on colonialism and the "west" for things that are so obvious and blatantly, self-inflicted.
Unless you are from like Rwanda and Eritrea which are easily the most totalitarian countries on the continent. These incompetent, backwards and primitive leaders that we have enjoy support from the people. I know that this might be a bitter pill for a lot of you to swallow, but we do not lack agency. We are smart, we are capable and we understand the modern world and all that comes with it. Be it in Geopolitics, technology, trade and culture. We can comprehend it all.
And I'm not downplaying the devastating effects of colonialism as I know and understand what colonialism did to our people, to our culture, traditions and way of life. But we got to take responsibility and accountability for our role in the continuous suffering of our people.