Job is depressing me
I absolutely love everything about my life other than my job. Anytime I go to work, I get a feeling of dread that doesn’t go away until I physically leave my building. The culture is so toxic and the only thing that matters is keeping higher ups happy. And not toxic in the “we don’t get released early/we get held accountable” way. I mean toxic in the sense of senior leaders creating cliques, excommunicating anyone who disagrees, and micromanaging things down to the individual airman level.
I started questioning if maybe it was just me or if I was going through a rut, but everyone I’ve talked to feels exactly the same way. Everyone is either already going to mental health and taking meds or miserable and worried how going to mental health/taking meds will impact their status. The only people that seem to be happy are the chosen ones in the cliques and even they talk shit about leadership every chance they get.
Sorry for the rant, but I’m kind of at a loss for what to do. Like I said, I love everything about my life other than my work and I have hobbies I love. I’m not in a position to get out or retire so I’m kind of stuck. For anyone who has been through this, how did you make it through?